Welcome to our new website we hope you like it, we certainly do. We have updated the information and images so have a look around. If you want to contact us at all please use details on contact us page. Picture above is of some of our replacement Tegs taken a while ago looking back at the Black Mountains and the main farms. Below is the aftermath of a hot day and some slow moving ewes and lambs.
On the farm, as usual we have been keeping busy: We have managed to get all the ewes shorn (as of today) after a bit of stop starting due to wet sheep. The grass has benefitted from the rain we have had, our grass covers are now thankfully improving. We still don’t have any grass ready to cut for silage yet but hopeful that there is still time for that. All of our lambing data has been collated and sent off to New Zealand to be run through SIL. From that we will have first set of EBVs for this years stud lambs but also updated figures for our shearling rams that are for sale. Once they are back we will let you know and will circulate them to anyone interested… watch this space for more updates.